Awesome Mums Brunch Club Thanks
A massive thank you to everyone who turned up to the Awesome Mums Brunch Club on Friday 18 January. A whopping fifty people come along which is AMBC’s biggest event to date!

It was a brilliant atmosphere with some fantastic questions asked, and the night raised a grand total of £110 from the raffle. This money will help the AMBC to put these events on again, supporting the local mum community. Please visit their page to keep up to date with their future events.
It was lovely to talk alongside Babs from Female Focus — she really is so passionate about what she does, and this certainly showed on the night.
Big love to Alex (the founder of AMBC) who puts so much into this charity, and whom reluctantly agreed to be my constipated pregnant lady model, with a ball stuffed up her jumper!
I hope to collaborate with both these fantastic women again. ❤